Wednesday, August 4, 2010

"Nobody checks here"

... should be an injoke.

Whenever anybody says this, everyone else pops in to contradict them.


Rachel's right about the poisons and burns.

I want an Eeveelution team. It might not be the strongest or the most balanced, but it would be the most adorable. Garchomp and Empoleon get painful to look at after awhile.

Why are Ditto so rare? I'm using the radar and everything, but all I get is stupid Floatzel. Am I doing something wrong?

Shuckle breeding is taking a long time.


Yesterday, our car exploded, so we had to call CAA and a tow truck.

Okay, it didn't explode.

The axel of the front wheel broke off. Luckily, we were not yet on the highway at that point and were instead on a quiet suburban road.

So everyone was alright, mostly.

The only casualty (except for the car) was me, kind of, because I gained five mosquito bites while waiting for my dad to pick us up. If I hadn't been wearing jeans, I would have had more.

I will never go camping. The mosquitos will eat me alive.

Fucking mosquitos.

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