Friday, August 6, 2010

Let's share our thoughts on yaoi!

Or not.


So Fandi made a post about her faith and what it means to her, and she had some questions that she wanted answered. And, since Fandi cares about it, I'll try to swear less on this blog. ♥ Fanderson's such a good person. ._.;


Please consider anything beyond this point merely a matter of my opinion. A-and please respond to it in some way or other? I don't want to be shouting into empty space. Feels bad, man. ;_;


I think that 'reality', 'good', 'justice', 'belief', 'love', even for the sake of argument 'profanity', etc. are subjective concepts. They're individual to each person. The common definitions of these terms are thoughts consciously or subconsciously agreed upon by a number of people and then perpetuated throughout a society. To paraphrase this: the law is not considered just by everyone; I'm not you. My justice is not your justice is probably not the justice of extremist (fill-in-your-desired-plural-noun-here).

Similarly, these concepts change over time. In first grade, 'dumb' was a terrible word and the worst thing you could call anybody. Now it's just a word used to describe something you mildly dislike. The justice of five hundred years previous is different from the justice now.

A person can only understand their own concept of reality, so I accept my reality as mine, and yours as yours. These things might change, and they might not. If you think you exist, you might as well. That's how it is.


About Christianity/religion in general?

It's something that other people believe in. To me, religion is something interesting both in theory and in practice, but it's not how I define my reality. If you're religious, I respect your willpower and faith and I'll try to sympathize with your viewpoint. (To clarify: "if you're religious, that's cool. If you're not, that's cool. If you don't know, that's cool.")

I understand that your 'reality' is not mine. To you or perhaps a third person, the non-religious might really be in need of salvation. For you/third person, that's how it is. I'm fine with that. I'm not you, after all. (Probably.)

About Fandi believing in Christianity?

Well, her general view on life seems brighter now. If it's made her happy, then that's good. Fandi's choice is Fandi's choice.

Faith discussion?

I find it interesting and would appreciate learning more. Enthusiastic people are fun to be around. If it gets awkward, it's not you, it's me and my lack of social skills.

It would be fun to meet some of the (apparently really nice) people from Fandi's church, but if the event is explicitly very religious, I just think someone else would be better able to appreciate it. ._.;

You don't have to feel anxious. Also, anxiety leads to stress leads to heart attacks and Fandi dying of stress would be terrible.


tl;dr I am a waffle who waffles and is never offended.


On a lighter note: anyone want a Shuckle? I have 19, with more on the way. Of the current 19, all but 2 of them are protected against 1-hit KOs. All of them have natures that don't inhibit Defense and Special Defense growth, and I know at least one has a perfect HP IV.

No, seriously, I'm giving them away. The one I'm trying for is a Bold Shuckle with ability Sturdy, perfect HP IV and decent Def/Sp. Def IVs. It's going to take a while and I have a lot of Shuckle even when keeping about 1 out of every 5 ones hatched.

I want Pokemon friends. Bert doesn't play (he would be a scary Pokemon competitive player, would probably IV breed, abuse the RNG and everything) and Clarence ragequits.

1 comment:

  1. Aww, I love you Van. For sharing your thoughts and for caring enough to actually make a blog post of something I wrote while being way too emotional. I want you to know that you are not shouting into empty space, I hear (see) every word you say on here. I even read all the pokemon posts even though I have no idea what you're talking about.

    And in case Van did not know this, I respect your opinions and viewpoints too. We don't have to agree on everything, although it's nice we can share the same opinion on some things.

    <3 Fandi
