Monday, August 2, 2010

Everyday life, I guess.

I wonder what the world would be like if it was squishier, and everything was softer and moldable and, well. You could squish it.

I guess I'd like it because it would give me at least an illusion of control.

Oh, and our bones would be weaker, but that's that.


I will probably pass my piano exam this time around! I passed the mock exam with 66.5%, which is... terrible, actually.

Well, you can't have everything.

As a result of this, I am now able to violate copyright law and listen to classical music illegally.

Yay, illegal classical music. Next thing you know they're going to send the classical music mafia after me.

They'd be snazzy-looking, too, in their pristine black suits and little bow ties! And they'd be known for their outrageous level of violins. And for blowing their instruments really skillfully...

. . .

... that tangent is stopping here.


I want a Shuckle. It will know Rest, Substitute, Toxic, and Stealth Rock. It will be perfectly EV trained in HP and have the remainder of its EVs split between Defense and Special Defense.

It will wall everything, except for poisons and burns.

IV breeding is way too troublesome, unless I find some way to figure it out. For one thing, there isn't even a reliable method to figure them out...


I'm still holding out for a squishier world here.

A change would be nice.

1 comment:

  1. Why not poisons and burns? You have Rest. o.o

    Also, apparently inbreeding is a good way to get good IV's... or so I heard. Never tried it, too lazy. xD

    I never knew Van was into Pokémanz this much.

    Squishy world, yay. c: I keep thinking of that cheap Floam stuff that I saw on TV years ago when you say that. Not that that's relevant, but.
