Have you ever...
1. taken a picture naked?
... no.
2. painted your room?
Not my own, but I helped paint the movie room~
3. made out with a member of the same sex?
Ditto Rachel. :c
4. drove a car?
5. danced in front of your mirror?
... no.
6. have a crush?
I don't know, someone tell me. D:
7. been dumped?
8. stole money from a friend?
I mooched a penny off Andrea once.
9. gotten in the car with people you didnt know?
STRANGER DANGER. Actually, yes, but my parents knew them.
10. been in a fist fight?
Probably... with my brothers... a long time ago.
11. had feelings for someone who didn’t have them back?
I don't think so, but feel free to contradict me.
12. had feelings for a friend?
... I don't think so, but don't quote me on this.
14. made out with a stranger?
Not that I can remember. 8D
15. met up with a member of the opposite sex somewhere?
Not in a romantic sense.
16. left your house with out telling your parents?
To go to the park that is visible from the kitchen, yes. :c
17. had a crush on your neighbor?
I have no idea who they are.
18. ditched school to do something more fun?
Yes, but it's always been PARENTALLY APPROVED.
19. slept (not had sex) in a bed with a member of the same sex?
20. seen someone die?
I... don't think so? Not in reality.
21. been on a plane?
Lots of times.
22. kissed a picture?
I think I tried once. It was flat and uneventful.
23. slept in until 3?
Only when jetlagged.
24. miss someone right now?
Yes. ._.
25. laid on your back and watched cloud shapes go by?
Yes. It makes me sleepy.
26. made a snow angel? yes- I’m from Canada
Yes. Lying in snow while dressed in snow gear also makes me sleepy.
27. played dress up?
Lots of times. Once, I fell asleep in my closet while doing this.
28. cheated while playing a game?
29. been lonely?
I guess so.
30. fallen asleep at work/school?
It's not hard.
31. been to a bar?
No... unless the thing in the basement counts?
32. felt an earthquake?
I thought I'd kicked the desk. :o
33. touched a snake?
At someone's birthday party! I don't remember them, but the snake was beige and slightly darker beige, and it was long and smooth. Also surprisingly dry.
34. ran a red light?
I am unable to drive.
35. been suspended from school?
36. had detention?
Actually, I don't think so, save for entire class detentions.
37. been in a car accident that you didn't cause?
The axle of the wheel of my mom's car broke off while we were driving. Luckily, we were on a nearly-abandoned suburban road, so we just got out and waited for CAA...
38. hated the way you look?
Pretty much everyyyday. :c
39. witnessed a crime?
They were pirates, arrr.
39. been the person doing the crime?
I was a pirate, arrrr. Also I have committed assault.
40. pole danced?
Never. Maybe I should try.
41. been lost?
All the time.
42. been to the opposite side of the country?
... no. :(
43. felt so sick you thought you might die?
There was one time where apparently I could have, but I don't remember anything except needles and reading a book while in one of those hospital bed things with the plastic tents. I was maybe three...?
The sheets were colourful, and the book was hardcover; it was a pine green and a eigish-yellow.
44. cried yourself to sleep?
46. sang karaoke?
We should really get together and do this again.
47. done something you told yourself you wouldn’t?
All the time.
48. laughed until something you were drinking came out your nose?
Once or twice...
49. caught a snowflake on your tongue?
50. kissed in the rain?
51. sang in the shower?
I used to, and then I realized that everyone else could hear me through the ventilation system.
52. had sex in a park?
Having never had sex, no.
53. had a dream where you were married?
... actually, no.
54. glued your hand to something?
55. got your tongue/”arm” stuck to a flag pole?
No, never.
56. ever gone to school partially naked?
... I wore a tank top?
57. been a cheerleader?
No, never.
58. sat on a roof top?
I want to tryyyy. D:
59. didn’t take a shower for a week?
... not that I remember.
60. ever too scared to watch scary movies alone?
Watching movies by oneself is lonely.
61. played chicken?
Not on the road.
62. been pushed into a pool with all your clothes on?
64. broken a bone?
65. been easily amused?
All the time.
66. laughed so hard you cried?
Actually, no.
67. mooned/flashed someone?
My brothers, for the lulz.
68. cheated on a test?
Yes. 8D
I remember one time I wrote down cheat notes and then it turned out that I had memorized the answer anyways...
69: forgotten someones name?
It takes me years to learn people's names. D:
70. slept naked?
It's kind of awkward, I wouldn't recommend it.
71. gone skinny dipping?
73. blacked out from drinking?
74. played a prank on someone?
In fourth grade, I switched the shoes of two guys (they were best friends) that I was not very fond of at the time. They had a huge argument and disliked each other thereafter. I was never suspected, much less caught.
75. gone to a late night movie?
76. made love to anything not human?
Van licks the popsicle suggestively.
What do?
77. failed a class?
78. choked on something you’re not supposed to eat?
Yes. I ended up swallowing a small metal ball. Nobody was any the wiser for it.
79. played an instrument for more than 10 hours in total?
At once? No. In increments, piano and flute.
80. been cheated on?
... has never been in a relationship. :c
81. did you celebrate the 4th of July?
82. thrown strange objects?
83. felt like killing someone?
It's too troublesome to kill someone.
84. felt like running away?
From where?
86. did drugs?
Recreationally, no.
87. had detention and not attend it?
89. made a parent cry?
... I don't think I've ever seen either of my parents cry.
90. cried about someone?
91. had sex with more than one person in a 24 hour period?
... no?
92. dated someone you didn’t even like?
... never dated. :c
93. had/have a dog?
95. own an instrument?
The piano is technically my mom's.
96. been in band?
Used to.
97. drank 25 sodas in a day?
98. broken a CD?
Yes. Also a DVD.
99. shot a gun?
Maybe I'll try that sometime...
100. had feelings for one of your best friends?
... I don't know, feel free to answer for me.
The tests were bad.
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