Saturday, October 30, 2010

Postan (stolen from Rachel's Facebook).

If you are a guy: post this as my kind of girl. If you are a girl: post it as my kind of boy.

Reformatted for less space cannibalism.


1. Do you need him/her to be good looking?
that would be nice.
^ said Rachel, and I agree.
... but not prettier than me? ._.; If we're really going for ideals here.

2. Smart ? Average grade or above?
err, smart?
^ above and would like to add "not dumb please"
... ideally, smarter than me. :D

3. Preferred age?
Preferably older, but same age might do depending on level of maturity
^ agreed
^ And agreed again~ (and corrected for spelling)

4. Preferred Height?
taller than me. :D
^That's not exactly asking for much for me.

5. Sense of humor?
as long as it's not stupid. :D

6. How about piercings?
Actually, I am completely neutral towards ear piercings.
Other ones are kind of iffy. :o

7. Accepts you for who you are?
It's always nice to have a challenge.

8. Pink hair?
rather not, thanks
^I concede your point.

9. Mushy or no?
White knight complexes are kind of cute... but not too much, I guess?

10. Thin or fat?
^ agreed
^ ditto
^ ... preferably more muscular than me? It isn't hard.

11. Black, Brown or White (skin color)?
i'll be honest here and say white or asian. |D (jen, in regards to my height: "good luck finding an asian boyfriend, rachel.")
^ ... agreed. ._.;

12. Long hair or short hair?
Neck-long or shorter
^ :D
^ :DD ... in some cases, anything is fine.

13. Plastic or metal?
Either or both.

14. Smell good?
uh, sure? :D
^ What she said.

15. Smoker?
If they're old enough... actually, I wouldn't mind that much.

16. Drinker?
maybe a little? as long as he doesn't make me.
^ See above, with editing and all.

17. Girl/Boy-next-door type?
Why not.

18. Muscular?
^ yup ^-^
^ yeah. xD
^ Something like that. Again, more so than me is not very difficult to attain.

19. Plays piano?
That would be nice
^ yup :D (although i'll probably feel bad with my severe lack of piano skillages :c)
^ What Rachel said. :o Also, piano=SKILLED fingers. ;D

20. Plays bass and/or acoustic guitar?
that's hot. :D /brick'd
^ That, except I can't really say that because my brother plays. :|

21. Plays violin?
violin is pretty. :D
^ violin=SKILLED fingers. :3

22. Sings very good?
YESPLEASE. (also: sings very WELL, idiots. c:)
^ What she said, except not as much so.

23. Vain?
... it's kind of cute, to an extent...?

24. With glasses?
i don't care?

25. With braces?
... sure, why not.

26. Shy type?
maybe not. :P
^ Our entire relationship would just be one really long moment of silence if it was like that... why not?

27. Rebel or good boy/girl?
Anywhere on the scale. Rebels are fun, white knights are fun, normal people are fun, sociopaths are fun. :D

28. Active or passive?
If he's not active nothing will ever happen because I am a horrible person. :| ... at least neutral?

29. Tight or bomb?
Surprise me.

30. Singer or dancer
both? but more the former. :D
^ Agreed, they are both sexy.

31. Stunner?
Would be nice. xP
^ sure why not? ^-^
^ :D
^ In a way that doesn't make me look hideous in comparison, yes please. :D

32. Hip-hop?
Why not?
^ agreed
^ :D

33. Earrings?
Sure, why not.

34. Likes to eat?
Meh, doesn't really matter. Don't want him to be anorexic though.
^ Rachel is psychic too. ... eats more than me?

35. Dimples?
doesn't matter?
^ Sure, why not.

36. Bookworm?
sure why not? :D
^ Seconded.

37. Mr/Ms. love letter?
... as long as I don't laugh, it'll be fine.
On second thought, I'd probably laugh.

38. Playful?
Would be nice ^-^
^ yup.
^ This movement has been thirded.

39. Flirt?
Go right ahead.

40. Poem writer?
For a joke ... or if its cute. Not too much though :s
^ i swear, dana is me.
^ Clearly we are all one person.

41. Serious?
If they're old enough, yes.
... otherwise, it's just kind of adorably pathetic and then I'd feel bad...

42. Campus crush?
... Why not.

43. Painter?
uh, sure? music > art though. c: (SORRY YOU ART PEOPLE.)
^ Rachel stole my braiinnnnn.

44. Religious?
doesn't matter? preferably not though D:
^ Again.

45. Someone who likes to tease?
Sure, thats always nice
^ unless it's with other people. :o
^ D'accord.

46. Computer games geek?
i'm not really in a position to say anything. xD
^ that's what she said.

47. Speaks 20 languages?
Umm well if he speaks them well, sure. If not, stick to 1/2/3.
^ agreed
^ yes.
^ Fourthed.

48. Loyal or faithful?
^ Connotation. Loyal; I prefer allegiance.

49. Good kisser?
Good enough to teach me. ._.;

50. Loves children?
sure :D (just don't ask for like... ten of them. that sounds painful.)
^ What Rachel said.

51. Flaws/freckles/moles?
Umm ... so long as they're not too bad ....
^ this? xD
^ This.


In conclusion, it really depends on the individual. I can be INCREDIBLY EASY (tee hee) or incredibly picky. :D