Saturday, September 3, 2011

sleepier than I should be at this time of day.

For some reason, it feels as if I should have changed more.

Nevertheless, I can't help but feel that things are fine the way they are.


I know how I could do all this, but I don't want to do that.

This is stupid. Why am I doing this?

"You are wasted potential" is a rather awkward thing to feel.

The truth often makes things more awkward than they really have to be.


For whatever reason, I can't wait for it to snow again, even though I dislike the cold. It's more for the aesthetics than anything else, I think.

I guess it isn't that bad, though. Changes are okay.


"I wish I could take initiative more often" is a self-defeating statement.

This is not a good thing.


No one was home all day. When my dad briefly stopped by to drop off dinner, I was told to dispatch all intruders without mercy. With lethal force. In order to defend my home.

I am prepared. The baseball bat is under my bed.

Nothing has happened.

(Secret wish: a crowbar. A big one.)

(Other secret wish: to hit something with it.)


I dreamed I punched someone in the face. It was very vindicating.

I've never seriously punched anyone in the face before. I guess it's a good thing if I never have to.

I kind of do want to try, though.

Maybe not. Being punched in the face hurts, after all.

I just want the sensation of punching someone in the face, but without hurting them.

That's not really possible. I guess this whole tangent is pretty pointless.


I could have gone outside. Why didn't I?


I tried baseball the other day. It is not a talent of mine.

Oh well.


Whenever I'm bored, I get this urge to vomit my feelings all over the Internet like so much half-digested food.

The reception will be similar, as the whole gesture is both unwanted and really disgusting.

So I don't.

That is why this is pointless.


This house is really quiet without anyone in it.

Not to the point where it is eerie; after all, the soft hum of electronics keeps me company when I feel alone.

Is that strange?

I didn't mean it.


The thing is, it's probably not as terrible as I make it out to be.


"It can't be that bad. You're one of the lucky ones, after all."

Smile more. It looks better on you.


I haven't screamed in quite a while.


If I had something to say, I'd probably use paragraphs.

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